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Dr. Bromberg

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Rudy Bromberg, MD
Enhanced Care Clinic
7335 Yonge Street, Thornhill ON L3T 1P9
Phone: 416-229-0990
Fax: 1-888-979-6305

March 31, 2022

Dear Patients,

I am writing this letter to inform you that I will be relocating my practice effective May 2, 2022. I have thoroughly enjoyed my years of medical practice at Enhanced Care and have been blessed with a group of loyal patients, in addition to those inherited through Dr. Kaplan. It has been a privilege to work with you. I will be relocating to:
Queens Health Centre
238 Barrie Street, Thornton, ON, L0L 2N0
PH: 705-250-9544
FAX: 705-291-2500

I understand this location may be too far for some of you, and so until the end of my practice, I will continue serving you with your medical needs to ensure a smooth transition of care to a new family physician.

Fortunately, Dr. Hodan Ismail has just started her Family Practice at the Thornhill clinic. She is available Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays and alternating Saturdays. You can book an appointment to meet her and discuss joining her practice for ongoing medical care. The Aurora clinic will be able to provide ongoing care via walk-in clinic (opens 7 days a week) until a suitable replacement physician is allocated. Alternatively, you can also contact Health Care Connect, a service provided by the Ministry of Health, to help you locate a new family physician at 1-800-445-1822.

Your medical records will remain and can be accessed at Enhanced Care Clinic. I request that you kindly update all your other Healthcare Providers, including all specialists, with the name of your new family doctor, as soon as possible, to ensure continuity of care.

I would like to thank you and your family for the confidence that you have had in my medical care. It was a pleasure working with you to address your health challenges and concerns. Thank you for enriching my professional and personal life immeasurably. I have truly enjoyed being your Family Physician and I wish you all the best in the future.



Dr. Rudy Bromberg, MD



Q&As :
1. How can I find a new family doctor?
Dr. Hodan Ismail recently joined Enhanced Care Clinic and is accepting new patients at the Thornhill location. Please feel free to schedule an appointment with her through the front desk, using our website or calling the clinic directly. 

You can also add your name to the family doctor wait list at the Aurora location and you will be contacted when a physician is accepting at that location.

You can also contact Health Care Connect at 1-800-445-1822. This is a service provided by the Ministry of Health to help patients locate a new family doctor. We currently do not have a family doctor accepting new patients at Enhanced Care Clinic.

2. What happens if I need to see a doctor soon?
You can visit our walk-in clinic or a clinic of your choice. If it is an emergency, you should visit your nearest hospital/ER right away.

3. What if I need my prescription renewed/refilled?
Unless it is a narcotic or controlled medication, your pharmacist is also able to extend your prescriptions. You can also visit a walk-in clinic of your choice. When visiting another clinic, remember to bring your prescription bottles with you and also the list of medications from your pharmacy.

4. What if I have outstanding results and reports to be reviewed?

You can visit one of the walk-in doctors at Enhanced Care or any walk-in clinic of your choice to review the results with you. Your results (e.g. lab results) or reports (e.g. specialist reports) can be accessible by your new family doctor or a walk-in doctor. They can request the report directly from the lab/ specialist or contact us at Enhanced Care.

5. When I find a new family doctor, how do I transfer my medical records?
Your new family doctor can request the release of medical records with your signed consent and we will send them to your new clinic. An administrative fee is applicable per Ontario Medical Association guidelines for clinical staff resources, including photocopying costs and postage.

6. What if I just want a copy of my records for myself?
You can do that as well. Just put in your request with one of the receptionists. Depending on the size, it will usually be ready in a few business days for you to pick up. An administrative fee is applicable per Ontario Medical Association guidelines for clinical staff resources, including photocopying costs and postage.

7. What if I want a copy of the records for my family?
For your underage children, you can request with the receptionists, the same way it is for yourself. For your other family members (husband, parents or other children), unless there is prior authorization, we will need a signed consent from them for privacy reasons. They can also request directly themselves and have it picked up by you.

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